Monday, November 30, 2009

Christ Centered Christmas

“As we seek Christ, as we find Him, as we follow Him, we shall have the Christmas spirit. … We shall learn to forget ourselves. We shall turn our thoughts to the greater benefit of others.” President Thomas S. Monson “In Search of the Christmas Spirit,” Ensign, Dec. 1987, 5.
Nativity-based activities and crafts:Window Nativity
Nativity Facts and Figures Matching Game
The Wondrous Nativity
Symbols of Christ
Before and After Game
Christmas Gifts All Year
Nativity BINGO
Jesus was born in a stable Maze
Star of Bethlehem Crossword
Nativity Coloring Page
Advent Calendars:
I am the Light - Names of Christ
Christmas Advent Wreath
Christmas Countdown
Christmas on Temple Square
What is Christmas?
What is Christmas? part 2
"Create a Nativity" Sticker Set(I buy mine at Partyland)

My Advent Calendar List this year
(ideas from all over - some my own, some from friends - and very much not in order of days)
Make Snowflakes
Hot Chocolate
Polar Express (movie or book)
Cottonball Snowmen
Candlelight Dinner
Frosty the Snowman (movie or book)
Christmas Carols
Take a drive to see the Christmas lights
Nativity Matching Game
Nativity Human Role Play
Nativity Pieces Role Play
Cookies to a neighbor
Joseph Smith movie (on the 23rd, his birthday)
Mr. Krueger's Christmas (movie)
Donate Food
Nativity Movie
Nativity Coloring Page
Birthday Cake for Jesus (Christmas Day)
Jesus was born (maze)
Nativity BINGO
Think of and make Gifts for Jesus
Before or After game
Window Nativity
Star gaze and remember the Star of Bethlehem
Mom and Dad tell a Christmas memory

Make Cinnamon Tree Ornaments (my favorite, but be advised on two counts - they are non-edible and they take about 4 days to dry, but they smell so great :). )
Bear Testimonies of Christ
Help the children make Gift-lists (for things they can give to Jesus)
Ideas (from the Friend magazine) for your own Advent Calendar:
1. Send a Christmas card to a loved one.
2 Do a secret act of kindness.
3 Remember to thank a family member.
4 Help with a chore when it’s not your turn.
5 Remember to think of Jesus during the sacrament.
6 Talk about your ancestors. What was Christmastime like in their day?
7 Sing a Christmas song with your family.
8 Compliment each family member.
9 Give a small gift anonymously.
10 Write (or draw) a family Christmas tradition in your journal.
11 Make a Christmas craft for a neighbor or the missionaries.
12 Read Isa. 9:6 and Mosiah 3:1–8 with your family.
13 Go caroling with your family.
14 Draw a picture of your favorite temple.
15 Write down your testimony, and keep it in your journal.
16 Look at the sky, and remember the sign given at Jesus’ birth.
17 Ask your parents to tell a Christmas memory from their childhood.
18 Visit someone who may be lonely.
19 Draw a picture of what Christmas means to you.
20 Help your family make a favorite Christmas treat.
21 Name one way you can better prepare to meet the Savior someday.
22 Name one way you can follow the Savior.
23 Read 3 Ne. 1:1–23 with your family.
24 Read Luke 2:1–20 with your family.

This is a beautifully Christ-centered Advent List
(from the "Christmas Countdown" calendar from the Friend magazine)
. D&C 19:38–39. Jesus Christ asked us to pray always. Carry a prayer in your heart, thanking Heavenly Father for your blessings.
3 Ne. 18:6–7. Jesus Christ asked His followers to always remember Him, especially during the sacrament. Write in your journal how you feel about the Savior.
Matt 22:34–40. Jesus Christ taught us to love our neighbors. Work with your family to do something nice for a neighbor.
D&C 35:26. Jesus Christ wants us to be happy. Make a list of blessings that make you happy.
3 Ne. 12:9. Jesus Christ promised to bless the peacemakers. Sing a reverent Primary song to help bring greater peace to your home.
D&C 89:10–11, 18–20. Jesus Christ revealed the Word of Wisdom. Thank Heavenly Father for food that makes you strong.7. 3 Ne. 17:21–24. Jesus Christ blessed little children because He loved them. Show your love for a brother, sister, or friend by spending time with him or her.8. 3 Ne. 18:21. Jesus Christ taught us to pray with our families. Help your family remember to pray today.
D&C 33:11–12. Jesus Christ taught the principles of His gospel. Memorize the fourth article of faith.
3 Ne. 27:29. Jesus Christ promised that Heavenly Father will answer prayers. Write in your journal about a prayer He answered.
D&C 108:7. Jesus Christ asked us to help each other be strong in the gospel. Share your testimony with someone.
12. Mark 10:13–14. Children are very important to Jesus Christ. As you pray, tell Heavenly Father about your day and ask for His help with your problems.
13. D&C 25:12. With your family or friends, sing Christmas hymns or songs about the Savior.
14. D&C 21:1, 4–5. Our prophet tells us what Jesus Christ wants us to do. Talk with a parent about President Gordon B. Hinckley’s counsel from general conference.
3 Ne. 12:16. Jesus Christ asked us to be examples to those around us. Set an example of service by doing chores at home.
16. 3 Ne. 12:6. Jesus Christ taught that we will be blessed for seeking righteousness. Read the scriptures or a scripture story.
John 13:34–35. We show that we want to follow Jesus Christ when we love others. Show your parents you love them by helping without being asked.
D&C 1:37. Jesus Christ counseled us to study His commandments. Think of a commandment you keep and a blessing you enjoy.
19. D&C 76:22–24. Even though Jesus Christ was born more than 2,000 years ago, He has appeared to prophets of this dispensation. As a family, read and discuss today’s scripture.
20. 3 Ne. 27:7. Jesus Christ told His disciples to call the Church in His name. Talk about the name of the Church and what it means (see D&C 115:3–4).
3 Ne. 25:5–6. Jesus Christ said the hearts of children should turn to their parents. Ask your parents to tell you about Christmas when they were young.
Matt. 6:3–4. Jesus Christ taught that we should quietly help other people. Write a kind note for someone.
3 Ne. 23:1. Jesus Christ commanded the Nephites to study the words of Isaiah. Ask a parent to read and talk about Isa. 53:3–5 with you.
Luke 17:11–19. Jesus Christ praised the leper who returned to thank Him. Write a note or draw a picture to thank someone who has helped you.
"What all of us long for in our hearts, at Christmastime and always, is to feel bound together in love with the sweet assurance that it can last forever. This is the promise of eternal life, which God has called His greatest gift to His children (see D&C 14:7). That is made possible by the gifts to us of His Beloved Son: the Savior’s birth, Atonement, and Resurrection. It is through the Savior’s life and mission that we have the assurance that we can be together in love and live forever in families." (Henry B. Eyring, “Home for Christmas,” Liahona, Dec 2009, 2–7)

Other ideas:Good Deed Box
Good deeds and surprises are in order in our family when Christmas rolls around. We set up a beautifully decorated “good deed” box, and as the weeks pass, we drop in notes describing the surprises others prepare for us. We describe the Christlike kindnesses and try to guess who did them. On Christmas Eve we open the box and take turns reading the reports. Naturally we do a lot of laughing and crying.—Marilyn and Elizabeth Bennion, Salt Lake City, Utah.

A Birthday party for Jesus
Jane McBride Choate, “Showing Our Love for Jesus,” Friend, Dec. 2008, 16–17Jenay watched as Mommy set the freshly baked white cake on the kitchen table. Tonight was Christmas Eve, when her family would celebrate Jesus’s birth.Jenay liked going caroling with her family, baking gingerbread men, and decorating the tree. But remembering Jesus’s birthday was her favorite thing to do at Christmas.Can I help you put the icing on the cake?We need to let it cool first.Jenay helped Mommy clean off the counters and wash the dishes.Do you think the cake is cool now?I think it’s just about right.Mommy and Jenay spread fluffy white icing on the cake.After dinner Daddy asked the family to gather in the living room.Even though we know that Jesus was born in the spring, we like to celebrate His birthday at this time of year.Mommy read the story of Jesus’s birth from the Bible and the Book of Mormon. Then Daddy bore his testimony of Jesus’s Atonement and Resurrection.One by one, the family members opened their presents to Jesus and read what they had written on a slip of paper. With Mommy’s help, Jenay had written, “Be more reverent at church.”I’m proud of each of you. All of your gifts show your love for Jesus Christ.Mommy cut the cake and served it on fancy dishes. Jenay took a bite of cake and smiled.I love Jesus, and I know He loves me.
A sweet feeling of peace settled over her like a cozy warm quilt.

12 Days of Christmas Surpirse
Hilary M. Hendricks, “12 Days of Christmas,” Friend, Dec 2007, 23You can show your love to your parents with this fun surprise. To make this gift you will need:
· Twelve envelopes
· Twelve pieces of paper
· Pens or colored pencils
· 1. Number the envelopes from 1 to 12 and decorate the envelopes with Christmas colors. Write “To Mom” or “To Dad” on each envelope.
· 2. Number each piece of paper 1 through 12.
· 3. On the first paper, write, “On the first day of Christmas, I’ll show my love for you by __________.” Fill in the blank with one thing you will do to help your parents, such as washing the dishes after one meal.
· 4. On the second paper, write, “On the second day of Christmas I’ll show my love for you by ___________.” Fill in the blank with two things you will do to help your family, such as making two beds.
· 5. Write a similar message on each of the remaining papers. On the last paper, fill in the blank with 12 things you will do to help your family, such as putting 12 dishes in the dishwasher or baking 12 cookies. Put each paper in its envelope. Remember to sign your name on each piece of paper!
· 6. Twelve days before Christmas, hide the first envelope where your mom or dad will find it. Each day until Christmas, hide a new envelope and do the tasks you promised.
Hint: you could also team up with brothers and sisters to give this special gift to your parents. Your help will be one of the best presents your mom or dad will get this Christmas.

Angel Night
We do something that was started when my husband was young and didn't want to let go of the magical and holy spirit he felt as he sat staring at the tree. It is called "Angel Night." Each person comes dressed in whatever white he/she has (sometimes is grey sweats turned inside out to appear white) and we spread out sleeping bags, turn out all lights except the tree ones, and sit on our bags talk about holy and eternal things. Sometimes the topics are guided and sometimes discussion is just spontaneous. It is a sweet experience. Then we sleep out under the tree. (Well, some years we all depends on how the children are doing, and if we think we will really get any rest.) Sarah, Austin TX

Christmas Service Project
We always get everyone together and brainstorm a service project...and then do it together. Some years it has been yard work for a neighbor, visiting someone who is lonely, participating in a toy drive or playing Santa. Last year we pulled a name and description off of a holiday giving tree and everyone contributed funds to purchase a special desired item for a child whose family didn't have funds for it. This helped us rethink our Christmas desires! Sarah, Austin, TX

Gifts for Jesus
We have a small white stocking that hangs on our tree that we put our "gifts" to Christ in -- things that bring Him joy because they bring us closer to Him or help build His kingdom. It is neat to read the previous year's gifts when we set up the tree in early December. Sarah, Austin, TX

Making a place in our Inn for Jesus
We do this by creating a soft manger for him.Place a small manger (box) in a prominent place and put some straw or raffia by it . Each time someone notices someone else being Christ-like, put a piece of straw in the manger. As Christmas nears, see how welcome your home/inn is for the Savior of the world. Sarah, Austin, TX

Wishlist turned GiftlistEarly on in the month when the children are beginning to make their wishlists, sit down with them and help them see the joy of giving gifts to Jesus on His birthday. Make a list of things they can give to Jesus. Some ideas are: acts of service, sharing, obeying, saying prayers, being thankful (to Heavenly Father and Jesus - and to parents), etc. Help them to find things they believe in, then follow-up with them to help them recognize how service makes them feel.

Please share your ideas! I would love to hear them and I'm sure others would too!